Fantastic Sams selected EPX as its preferred payment processor based on its service offerings, as well as its enterprise pricing model and Tier 1 Payment Solution. Fantastic Sams has negotiated a very favorable corporate pricing rate with EPX on behalf of the Fantastic Sams brand.
With this agreement, EPX provides interchange pass-through pricing and a reduced price for payment authorizations. EPX performs automated least-cost Real-Time Interchange Analysis on each transaction to ensure the lowest interchange costs for each transaction you handle.
For a typical Fantastic Sams location, processing with EPX means a projected savings of about $2,000 a year in card-processing fees.
Contact us today for a FREE COST ANALYSIS to see how much money you can save with EPX!
By now you might have heard the term “EMV,” which refers to the small chip that is embedded on recently issued payment cards. What you might not know is that your company is liable for providing an EMV-capable solution that can handle an EMV card when a customer presents it. The credit card associations mandated a liability shift back in October 2015, which makes the merchant liable in cases of fraud where the customer presented an EMV card but where the merchant did not have an EMV-certified solution in place.
EPX has extensive experience with integrating clients to EPX’s secure EMV-certified solutions, so you will never have to worry about the EMV liability shift, once you are processing with EPX.
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) has defined a series of security requirements to keep card data safe for businesses and their customers. EPX is completely PCI compliant with the latest PCI data security standards (DSS), and has been since PCI DSS’s inception in 2005. EPX’s PCI compliance means that you and your customers will be protected with the very highest levels of security standards available today.
For information about the PCI, refer to
EPX is a pioneer in tokenization and account number data security, with products dating back to 2001. We apply the strongest level of security standards to protect your data.
Our security team continuously audits our infrastructure, and third-party audits are conducted on an annual basis. EPX goes beyond being fully PCI DSS complaint by delivering a combination of people, processes, and technology to ensure the highest level of enterprise security:
Complete end-to-end data encryption
Over 60 separate fraud detection controls for its merchants
24/7 data and infrastructure protection
Proactive analysis of emerging security threats and issues
Complete data and network redundancy
...and much more!
EPX offers several secure payment devices for Fantastic Sams locations. Purchase and leasing plans are available to suit all franchisees. All devices are EMV certified and provide best-in-class security to keep customer data safe. Typically, monthly savings by processing with EPX offset the terminal lease expense with its warranty. You gain overall savings, better reporting, more security with encryption and tokenization, and become EMV compliant. Lessees own the device for a $1 fee per device at the conclusion of the lease.
With the available Total Care Warranty, malfunctioning terminals are replaced the next business day for the life of the Warranty.
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) has defined a series of security requirements to keep card data safe for businesses and their customers. EPX is completely PCI compliant with the latest PCI data security standards (DSS), and has been since PCI DSS’s inception in 2005. EPX’s PCI compliance means that you and your customers will be protected with the very highest levels of security standards available today.
For information about the PCI, refer to
Offering gift card processing is a great way to get new business and keep your existing loyal customers. In the near future, with EPX you will be able to offer gift card processing to your clients. All transactions will be handled securely through our BuyerWall processing software and will be a seamless addition to your business.
Q: How do I get EPX installed at my salon?
Q: What do I do once I receive my new terminal device?
Q: What if I have problems after I implement the new terminal and am up and running with EPX?
Q: What is Interchange Pass-through Pricing?
© 2025 Electronic Payment Exchange. All rights reserved.
*Please supply the following Underwriting items: Completed and signed application, copy of valid driver’s license or government issued documentation, voided check or bank verification letter, PCI compliance validation and most recent AOC (Attestation of Compliance). We can explain how to get any of these items if you’re unsure.